Celebrating 50 Years of Ministry

Members and friends of Good Shepherd celebrated 50 years of ministry during our anniversary dinner on October 27th. Pastor Wes Poole led us in prayer prior to a delicious buffet dinner. The Rev. Lynn Rothrock was MC for the event sharing memories of how Good Shepherd was formed from the consolidation of St. Paul’s and Christ Lutheran. The Cardoni family serenaded us with songs accompanied by our Music Director, Sandra Keator. Liz Keator shared a solo also accompanied by Sandra on the piano. The Rev. C. Frank Terhune, who was pastor of Good Shepherd from 1988 to 1999, shared memories of his time at Good Shepherd and spoke about being welcoming to everyone. The evening came to close with Gary Phillips playing guitar and leading everyone in singing Pass it On then Pastor Wes shared a closing prayer.

Memories of our 50 years of ministry were displayed throughout the dinner hall along with a picture slide show. The 50th anniversary banner that is in process of being made was also displayed.

Our 50th celebration continues with a special anniversary service on November 5th at 9:00am. The Rev. C. Frank Terhune will also visit as our guest pastor on November 12th.

There is still time to make a cross for our 50th Anniversary Banner. Click here for the pattern and instructions.