BY Pastor Wes Poole

Proverbs 6:25

Anxiety weighs down the human heart, but a good word cheers it up. – NRSV

Mamie Adams always went to a branch post office in her town because the postal employees there were friendly. She went there to buy stamps just before Christmas one year and the lines were particularly long. Someone pointed out that there was no need to wait in line because there was a stamp machine in the lobby. “I know,” said Mamie, “but the machine won’t ask me about my arthritis.”

Yea verily, Ms. Mamie! There is such power in those small “good words”. This week, I’m speaking from experience! I won’t weigh you down with the details, but we’ve had an ER visit, a long, difficult trip to SC, and an upcoming surgery as our primary stressors. Everyone is OK and healthy enough, but we’re feeling a bit frayed around the edges. Yet even through it all, there were various acts of kindness; some bigger, some smaller, all appreciated. We each have within us the truly awesome ability to make the lives of others better. It might be a hug, a cup of coffee and an attentive ear, or simply a random smile…but the potency of such acts, those “good words”, is immeasurable. It is also exactly the life into which we are called as Christians; exactly the life Jesus modeled for us during his earthly ministry. Jesus was able to affect the lives of others on a much grander scale. Indeed, his sacrifice for humanity is the greatest “good word” of all time. Still, the smaller acts of kindness he showed others, even those who were considered the lowest of the low, made just as powerful a difference in the lives of those people to whom he displayed caring and compassion. It is one of the cornerstone tenets of our faith that we are many members, yet still one body. When we look at each other and see the value in each unique individual, we finally start to realize another of the core teachings of our faith…that the Kingdom of God is at hand. For the Kingdom is at hand, and that hand is ours! As Jesus’ 21st century disciples, may we always choose to speak the good word. The impact we can make is profound. Let’s be the people who ask Ms. Mamie about her arthritis!

Let us pray…

God who spoke the cosmos into being, we know that our “words”, verbal and otherwise, can effect positive change in the lives of our brothers and sisters. Make of us a people who share the good word freely and with joyful hearts; that all may come to know the life that has been given to us in Jesus Christ. For it is in his name we pray. Amen.

Be well, be kind, and be safe! See you at worship!

Your Partner in Christ,

Pastor Wes Poole †