By Pastor Wes Poole

Hebrews 12:11  

Now, discipline always seems painful rather than pleasant at the time, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it – NRSV

Discipline! Now there is a word with the power to strike fear in the heart of the most devoted Christian!  Discipline conjures up notions of childhood punishments, visits to the principal’s office, or even the rigors of military training. Of course, these days we’ve had to learn to deal with the disciplines of mask wearing and hand washing. We do not always equate discipline with our faith because of the negative baggage attached to the word.  It is human nature not to like being told what to do! Yet during Lent, it is discipline which should be occupying our thoughts and prayers as we ponder the nature of our individual faith and devotional life.  Indeed, the terms disciple and discipline are inextricably connected to the other. If we look past all of the unpleasant or irritating aspects of the word, we realize that to exercise discipline is to conform ourselves to something far greater…namely the Word and Will of God. When we are able to do this, we become better people, both as modern day disciples of God and more devoted ministers to our communities and sisters and brothers. During this season of Lent, when we prepare ourselves for the joy of the Resurrection, many of us try to employ some new practice in our lives to help us to focus on the ministry and sacrifice of Jesus. These are known as, of course, Lenten disciplines. Some people give up something that they enjoy. Some people try to add something to their daily routines that helps to fix their hearts and minds on Jesus. Some make a renewed financial commitment to their home church or another worthy ministry. 

This year, with the restrictions of COVID still in place, we are offering a different opportunity for growth, a new Lenten discipline if you will. Please join us in a virtual Bible study to be offered each Wednesday evening during Lent. We’ll begin next week, on Ash Wednesday, and as we aren’t meeting in person for the Imposition of Ashes, our first study will be on the significance of ashes in the entire witness of scripture. The study will last about an hour, and will begin at 6PM. Feel free to join and participate, or just listen. I look forward to seeing you!

Whatever Lenten discipline you may choose, remember that the point is not to punish yourself, but to grow into a better disciple; a better follower of the one who sacrificed everything for our salvation.  Despite the hardships of sacrifice, despite the discomfort of having to give an honest appraisal of ourselves and the ways in which sin continues to chip away at our humanity, Lent is still a time, ultimately, of great hope. In baptism, we have been reborn as new people; people who live now in the joy that we will surely know the “life of the world to come”. That is our baptismal birthright. May the honesty of Lent keep our eyes trained upon this great gift…eternal life in Jesus Christ!  

May the power of Almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit strengthen our resolve and bring to our hearts the coming joy of the Empty Tomb!

Let us pray…

Prepare our hearts, Dear Lord, for the Lenten time of introspection; the opportunity to examine our lives and how we live them in you. Inform all of our decisions, personal disciplines, and interactions with others, by the example of Jesus Christ, for it is in his Name and for his sake that we pray. Amen.

Be well, be kind, and be safe.


Pastor Wes †

Bible Study for Lent

Pastor Wes will lead us in Bible studies that will be held Wednesday evenings during Lent. The first Bible study will be Ash Wednesday, February 17 at 6:00pm.  The subject for Ash Wednesday will be The Meaning of Ashes. We cannot meet in worship to receive ashes safely with social distancing so we will meet on Zoom to learn and discuss the meaning of ashes.

Join us on with a cup of coffee, tea, glass of wine. You can even enjoy your favorite desert as we grow in faith together. Fill in your information below and we will send you the link and instructions to log in to Zoom.

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Virtual worship for February 7, 2021
  • First Reading — Isaiah 40:21-31
  • Psalm 147:1-11, 20c
  • Second Reading — 1 Corinthians 9:16-23
  • Gospel — Mark 1:29-39

As we continue virtual worship to keep everyone safe our mission still continues. Click here to learn more about our continuing ministries and how you can provide support during the pandemic.16-23

Portions from Sundays and Seasons.com. Copyright 2020 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. By permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #23415. 

Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-732189.

Second Sunday after Epihphany

Virtual worship for January 17, 2021
  • First Reading — 1 Samuel 3:1-20
  • Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18
  • Second Reading — 1 Corinthians 6:12-20
  • Gospel — John 1:43-51

As we continue virtual worship to keep everyone safe our mission still continues. Offerings to support our ministry can be mailed to the church or made online using the donate button. 

Portions from Sundays and Seasons.com. Copyright 2020 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. By permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #23415. 

Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-732189.

Virtual Worship Continues

Worship services will continue to be virtual until further notice in order to keep everyone safe. Be sure to submit o your email for updates if you are not already receiving notifications when worship services are available oloin

While worship is virtual our ministries still continue. Offerings can be mailed to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 190 S Main St., Wilkes Barre Pa 18702. Offerings can also be made online using the Donate button. When donating online please consider increasing the amount by 3% to offset the cost of processing online payments.

Christmas Poinsettias

Poinsettias are given in memory of:

• Ralph & Caroline by Wayne

• Frederick Albert by Wayne

• Brother Tommy by Wayne

• Sandy from your loving family

• Charles by the Moules family

• Alec by Joshua

• Dave by Evelyn

• Sandy & Robert by Evelyn

• John by Peg

• Margaret & Carl by Peg

Poinsettias are given in honor of:

  • Children and grandchildren by Evelyn

Poinsettias may be picked up at the following times:

  • Thursday, December 31, 2020 from 10 to 11am
  • Saturday, January 2, 2020 from 10 to 11am

2020 Donations/2021 Envelopes

Important information for 2020 donations and 2021 Offering Envelopes

2020 Donations

Donations must be received by December 27th to be credited for 2020. Donations received after December 27th will be credited for 2021. Donations may be mailed to the church or made online using the the Donate button. If making your donation online please consider adding 3% to cover the cost of processing online donations. Please keep in mind that mailing time is longer than normal due to post office delays.

Mailing address for checks:
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
190 South Main Street
Wilkes Barre PA 18701-1501

2021 Offering Envelopes

Due to the pandemic and a backlog at the vendor, the Offering Envelopes for 2021 have just arrived. You may personally pick-up your box of Offering Envelopes at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church on either of the following dates and times:

  • Tuesday, December 29, 2020 from 1 to 2pm
  • Thursday, December 31, 2020 from 10 to 11am
  • Saturday, January 2, 2020 from 10 to 11am

These dates and times are weather permitting. You may also pick up your Offering Envelopes when we return to in-person worship if you so desire. Due to the pandemic and mailing costs per box, Offering Envelopes will not be hand-delivered or mailed to your home. Offering Envelopes will be located on the table in the Conference Room. Please wear a mask when you enter the church and keep social distancing. Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation.